League of Legends’ Sivir Nerfed after 7.15 Patch Buffs

Patch 7.15 was launched on Wednesday morning, but the buffs Sivir received did not last too long. A few hours after the patch release, Riot rolled out a hotfix that toned down her waveclear abilities.

Patch 7.15 was launched on Wednesday morning, but the buffs Sivir received did not last too long. A few hours after the patch release, Riot rolled out a hotfix that toned down her waveclear abilities.

In most cases, champions receive buffs that slightly increase their powers. However, the Battle Mistress received 30 damage to her Boomerang Blade ability, increasing the damage from 25 to 55. According to LoL players, that was quite a buff given the fact that she was able to smash waves without great effort.

Riot’s officials have quickly realized that the damage buff was too much. Consequently, Riot Meddler announced via Twitter that a hotfix has been rolled out in an attempt to bring Sivir’s ability back to a reasonable state. Meddler also apologized that the developer has not figured out how powerful the buff would be before releasing the patch.

Sivir’s Q has been reduced to 35 at level 1. Although it is still a buff from her previous damage amount, it is not as high as it used to be, to say at least.

The hotfix to Sivir was not the first hotfix coming out in the recent patches. In the previous patch, Singed received some buffs that made him more favorable in the top lane. However, he got a minor nerf a few hours after the patch release. Nunu and Duskblade had the same fate.

As for Sivir’s latest improvements, they give her a chance to see play again. She got a few shifts in the meta that favor the combination of speed of movement and wave clear. If Riot had not taken any actions towards taking away some of her damage, Sivir would have most probably been put in the ban category due to her overwhelming strength.

Riot Games’ representatives have recently announced that they were working on improving the hotfixing capabilities by reducing the risk that goes hand in hand with the quick fixes. Therefore, League of Legends’ players expect to see more like the above hotfixes, in the next patches.

Andrew is arguably the geekiest member of our team. He has a knack for new gaming hardware and awesome gadgets. Although Overwatch is his current favorite, he thinks the Counter Strike Global Offensive is the best shooter of all times. He is constantly hunting for news about new hero releases and patches. Andrew believes that playing video games is not just a hobby but a way of life. He regards his job at RealGear as a way of helping fellow gamers make the most of their gameplay by writing reviews about the hardware he uses and the FPS/ RTS he plays.

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